Monday, December 15, 2008

Potty Training

Colin is now officially potty trained. But, just like a dog, he still has a few accidents here and there. We put him in pull ups at night to help prevent these accidents. He did great for 3 nights straight. I thought we could let him go one night and see how he did. For those of you that don't know...yes he still sleeps with us. There is nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to a foot in your face and a 3 year old sprawled on top of you. So anyways, last night was the moment of truth.

Savings a week from not having to buy pull ups - $15.00

Buying big boy underwear and pull ups- $6.00

Suckers for positive reinforcement- $3.00

Waking up in the middle of the night because you, your husband, and son are laying in a very warm puddle - Priceless

I guess we still need the pull ups at night

Friday, December 12, 2008

No Place Like Home for the Holidays!

I am going home to OHIO!!!! Yeah! Just one week from tomorrow, the two kids and I will make teh 14 hour trip to the lovely state of Ohio to see the Family. Todd is flying in on Christmas Eve. We are beyone ourselves with excitement here. I just got the last of the christmas presents in the mail today, so I am actually pretty prepared..who would have thought! Can't wait to see everyone!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Helpful Tips

Here are a few tricks and tips that I have picked up over the years and some that I just found!

  • Peel a banana from the bottom up. This way you don't get those strings that you have to pick off.

  • On your foil box, there are tabs on the ends that you can push in to hold your foil in the box.

  • Spray hairspray on ink stains and then wash.

  • Vinegar on Blood stains will usually take the stain out.

  • To keep flies off of items, Boil three or four onions in a pint of water and apply with a soft brush, let dry.

  • Persperation stains 2 T. cream of tartar per gallon of water. Soak until stain disappears then launder as usual.

  • To clean your microwave oven and remove the odors, place a bowl of vinegar in the microwave and run on HIGH til it comes to a boil. Wipe the interior clean with a rag dipped in the vinegar.

Hope these help!

School Days

Here are a few pictures of things that I have been doing at school. I still love it! We just learned how to make Marzipan roses yesterday. It requires a lot of patience...something that I am trying to acquire..haha Yes, I know Dad, if I just slow down! Well, let me tell you, it takes between 15 and 20 minutes to make these things!