While reading some more material on Autism, I ran across a link to an autism store. It has everything from stimulating toys to clothing. I was very intrigued by everything in the store, but teared up at some of the shirts. It is a constant battle to control emotions when looking at Colin. One minute he seems completely "normal", and the next minute I wonder if he will be able to take a girl on a date. It is so hard. Early intervention is key and he is really coming along with his therapies. I just hope that he feels like he fits in and not a stranger around other people. He is a great kid! I can't imagine life without him. This past weekend we were in the car and he kept
yelling "Mommy! Mommy!" I looked back him and said "What Colin?" "I love you Mommy!" My heart melted.

The link is http://www.autismlinkstore.com
How did you know there way something going on with him? I would never know what signs to look for!?!
ReplyDeleteKnow that I think about you constantly...and I to have difficulties in raising my children...some of it I think is that they are boys (and 3).
Colin was doing fine until right before his second birthday. I noticed that he had poor eye contact and the big thing was that he was playing with his toys inappropriately. He would spin the wheels on the car or would be obsessive with one toy only. When Morgan was born his speech regressed significantly and I just put it to the fact that his life had just changed. After 6 months and he continued to decline I called the peditrician and got in for a behavorial appointment. He was having temper tantrums that were well beyone an average 2 year old. She asked me a ton of questions and told me he probably was on the autism spectrum. It wasn't until we got out here that we got the final diganosis.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to know more about the symptoms you can go to autism.org and check it out. I think you would know though. Colin has adversions to certain textures of food, light sensitivity, can't wear certain items of clothing, mimicks us constantly etc.
It was a real shock, but at the same time relief because it wasn't our parenting style. I was so worried that we just weren't doing something right.
Other than that, we were lucky and caught it early so he can get early intervention. They think he will start kindergarten on time and be in a normal class so that is something to give us hope and to look forward to!