Monday, March 23, 2009

The Shiner

On my way home last night from work I did my usual phone call home to let Todd know that I was finally on my way. Todd informed me that Morgan is becoming more and more like me every day. Unfortuantley for Morgan, that includes my clutziness. The poor girl flipped out of her little red rocker and then promptly smashed her left eye into the drums for our Rock Band. I immediately panicked. I asked every question possible, is she ok? Does she need stitches(this question came about after he let me know he wiped all the blood off her face)? Is her actual eye ok? He said that she was fine, but she was going to have a black eye tomorrow. I did what any parent would do, I came straight home and woke the child up from a nice and peaceful sleep so I could check out the damage for myself. I was quite shocked to find that her eye was almost swollen shut. I gave her some motrin and rocked her for a bit, then sent her back to bed. So here are some pictures of the "shiner" today.

Sorry are in for a lot worse if you take after your Momma!

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing! I'm hoping my kids don't get my clutzy gene!!! Although...just don't think it's possible for them not to!!

    Hope she's feeling better!
