Monday, December 15, 2008

Potty Training

Colin is now officially potty trained. But, just like a dog, he still has a few accidents here and there. We put him in pull ups at night to help prevent these accidents. He did great for 3 nights straight. I thought we could let him go one night and see how he did. For those of you that don't know...yes he still sleeps with us. There is nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to a foot in your face and a 3 year old sprawled on top of you. So anyways, last night was the moment of truth.

Savings a week from not having to buy pull ups - $15.00

Buying big boy underwear and pull ups- $6.00

Suckers for positive reinforcement- $3.00

Waking up in the middle of the night because you, your husband, and son are laying in a very warm puddle - Priceless

I guess we still need the pull ups at night

Friday, December 12, 2008

No Place Like Home for the Holidays!

I am going home to OHIO!!!! Yeah! Just one week from tomorrow, the two kids and I will make teh 14 hour trip to the lovely state of Ohio to see the Family. Todd is flying in on Christmas Eve. We are beyone ourselves with excitement here. I just got the last of the christmas presents in the mail today, so I am actually pretty prepared..who would have thought! Can't wait to see everyone!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Helpful Tips

Here are a few tricks and tips that I have picked up over the years and some that I just found!

  • Peel a banana from the bottom up. This way you don't get those strings that you have to pick off.

  • On your foil box, there are tabs on the ends that you can push in to hold your foil in the box.

  • Spray hairspray on ink stains and then wash.

  • Vinegar on Blood stains will usually take the stain out.

  • To keep flies off of items, Boil three or four onions in a pint of water and apply with a soft brush, let dry.

  • Persperation stains 2 T. cream of tartar per gallon of water. Soak until stain disappears then launder as usual.

  • To clean your microwave oven and remove the odors, place a bowl of vinegar in the microwave and run on HIGH til it comes to a boil. Wipe the interior clean with a rag dipped in the vinegar.

Hope these help!

School Days

Here are a few pictures of things that I have been doing at school. I still love it! We just learned how to make Marzipan roses yesterday. It requires a lot of patience...something that I am trying to acquire..haha Yes, I know Dad, if I just slow down! Well, let me tell you, it takes between 15 and 20 minutes to make these things!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving humor

I just taught Colin how to say Thanksgiving. He kinda misses the Thanks and only says giving..kinda funny. The ironic part is that Colin and Morgan won't be eating Turkey for Thanksgiving..they will be feasting on the very succulent, juicy, and well cooked Chicken Nugget. I guess they pardoned the Turkey this year! haha

Here is a joke that I immediately thought my parents would have done to my siblings and I. Thought you might enjoy it!

Thanksgiving Divorce
Eddie in Dallas calls his son in New York just before Thanksgiving and tells him, 'I am sorry to tell you but your mother and I are going to divorcing. I just cannot take any more of her moaning. We can't stand the sight of each other any more.' I am telling first, Eddie, because you are the eldest, please tell your sister.

When Eddie calls his sister Julie, she says: 'No way are they getting divorced, I will go over and see them for Thanksgiving.'
Julie phones here parents and tells them both 'You must NOT get divorced. Promise you won't do anything until I get over there. I'm calling Eddie, and we'll both be there with you tomorrow. Until then, don't take any action, please listen to me', and hangs up.
The father puts down the phone and turns to his wife and says. 'Good news' he says, 'Eddie and Julie are coming for Thanksgiving and they are both paying their own way.'

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Morgan's recovery

Enjoying a popsicle

Cuddling with Mama

Just laying with Daddy

Todd and Morgan

Morgan had her surgery on Friday morning. She came out of it crying for Daddy, which she calls everyone..haha. So the nurse called me back to the recovery room. I found Morgan sitting up in the bed, her face was so swollen she looked liked someone had beat her up. When she finally realized I was there and holding her, she instantly calmed down and went back to sleep. It is a feeling like no other to have your child cling to you for comfort and safety. I miss those days with her. She is quite independent. She doesn't like to be rocked or held when she goes to sleep anymore, so on the bright side of surgery, I did get 24 hours of cuddle time with her. :-)
They finally released us to go to our room and Todd held her for quite a while so I could go update everyone on her and also use the little girls room.hehe

The ENT did take out her adenoids. He said they were big and hopefully this will help with the sleep apnea. I am crossing my fingers...however...her alarm has went off every night since we have been home. UGH! I am hoping it is because of the swelling that she has going on. I am going to give it another week and then decide what to do.

I leave everything in our peditrician's hands. I trust her like my own family. The lady came in on her day off to see how Morgan was doing. We have developed such a realtionship that we are on a first name basis. She calls me to schedule appointments...not a nurse, not a receptionist, she does. So Kudos to our peditrician for being a wonderful person! Plus, Colin doesn't cry when she examines him. That is HUGE! He really can't stand to have his head touched, but sits so still when she is touching it. It is amazing. If he can trust her, I can! :-)

Anyways, I will update on Morgan's recovery. *Keeping my fingers crossed*

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I just finished up another 6 week class here at LeCordon Bleu in Minnesota. I actually really enjoyed myself through this 6 weeks. It was International Custards, Pudding, Fillings, and Creams. Lots of yummies!

I just checked my grades and this is what I found *enter huge sigh of relief*

Page Items:Final Grades

Final Grades
Term A

Cumulative GPA: 4.00

Spring 2008 Term A
Fundamentals of Cooking and Sanitation

4/25/2008 12:00:00 AM
Spring 2008 Term A

5/16/2008 12:00:00 AM
Spring 2008 Term A
Introduction to Patisserie and Baking

5/16/2008 12:00:00 AM
Spring 2008 Term A

6/27/2008 12:00:00 AM
Spring 2008 Term A
Introduction to Baking Principles & Ingredients

6/27/2008 12:00:00 AM
Summer 2008 Term A
Basic Patisserie Techniques

8/15/2008 12:00:00 AM
Summer 2008 Term A
Purchasing and Cost Control

8/27/2008 12:00:00 AM
Summer 2008 Term A

9/5/2008 12:00:00 AM
Summer 2008 Term A
Viennoiserie and Laminated Doughs

9/26/2008 12:00:00 AM
Fall 2008 Term A
Intert'l Patisseries, Custards, Fillings & Creams

So Far so for Introduction to cake formulas and assembly techniques

*Patting myself on the back*

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

Veteran’s Day Tribute
When America had an urgent need,
These brave ones raised a hand;
No hesitation held them back;
They were proud to take a stand.
They left their friends and family;
They gave up normal life;
To serve their country and their God,
They plowed into the strife.
They fought for freedom and for peace
On strange and foreign shores;
Some lost new friends; some lost their lives
In long and brutal wars.
Other veterans answered a call
To support the ones who fought;
Their country had requirements for
The essential skills they brought.
We salute each and every one of them,
The noble and the brave,
The ones still with us here today,
And those who rest in a grave.
So here’s to our country’s heroes

They’re a cut above the rest;
Let’s give the honor that is due
To our country’s very best.
By Joanna Fuchs

Thank you to all that have served and are currently serving. I am blessed to be in this great land protected from harm by people like you.

My sister is currently stationed in South Carolina. She is a true American Hero and I am so proud and thankful that she has chosen this life for herself. Thanks Jess! You are the best!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Friday is Morgan's surgery date. She will be going in for a Bronchoscopy, EGD, Nasal Scope, possible adenoid removal, and various biopsies. I am sure her little nose and throat are going to be so sore.

I am really dreading and looking forward to this surgery all at the same time. Her ENT thinks that removing the adenoids will help her with the apnea that she experiences at night. Plus we get to see how bad her acid reflux actually is. However, if her adenoids are not enlarged..we are back at square one. I really hope this is the solution. Todd and I are losing hours of sleep at night waiting for her alarm to go off again. It is frustrating and extremely scary.

I am not a very religious person, but please pray for us. We need all the help we can get.

Try, Try, Again...

"I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game's winning shot...and missed. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why...I succeed." Michael Jordan

I am coming up on my final push of school. I have 4 classes left plus my externship. There have been so many days that I have looked at myself in the mirror and wondered why the hell did I do this to my family? We had no right moving out here, with nobody we knew around, and starting a new life. What was I thinking?

Then I remember something my dad told me when I first started. "Dreams wouldn't be Dreams if they were easy." I have thought about that every day. I know in my heart that we were meant to come out here. Minnesota is in the top 6 states that treats autism. Morgan has, by far, received the best medical care of her life here. They are on the brink of figuring out why she decides not to breath at night. And if they can't find the answer, they find someone who will.

That is why we are still here and why I WILL finish school. I currently have a 4.0 GPA. I don't have that because I am super gifted and everything comes to me easily. I have that because I can't fail. I have a husband that gave up everything to be here and to let me do this. I can't come home and tell him I got a B on something. That isn't fair. I have two kids who don't see any of their grandparents and don't ask why. They don't know why Mommy isn't there to tuck them in. They are so used to it by now, they just go with the flow. It isn't fair to them. I have a family back in Ohio and one sister in South Carolina who cried when we left, but have been there every day for us, maybe not physically, but emotionally. So you see...failure is not an option. I have to succeed, for my family, my husband, and my kids. Plus..I get to say that I worked my hinnie off to get this degree..not just for me..but for them. It was a sacrifice that we all made and I am so glad that we did.

So here is to my family, my kids and especially to my husband. For he is there every night to rub my shoulders, to tell me that I am doing ok, and to get me up the next morning and do it all again. I love you all...I love you Todd.

"A dream is in the mind of the believer, and in the hands of the doer. You are not given a dream, without being given the power to make it come true." Anonymous

Thursday, November 6, 2008

When did that happen?

I was thinking this morning..and yes Jaime it does happen from time to time..

When did that happen?

When did I turn in Cinnamon Toast Crunch for some organic Elmo cereal so my kid would stop crying at the store?

When did I start letting my kid lick the beater instead of me?
When did I start watching Sesame Street instead of my soaps?

When did I start looking in the mirror to find my second gray hair of all time?

When did I start going to bed at 9 p.m. on a Saturday night instead of hitting the bars till 2 a.m.?

When did I start caring more about what my kids were wearing and not about the fact that all of my socks have my toes sticking out of them?

When did I just hug my husband and nothing more because we have a child hanging on to our legs?

When did I stop caring about all of the materlistic things in life and start caring more about raising two beautiful children and being married to an incrediable guy?

I don't know when any of this happened, but I wouldn't change it for the world!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

When will they be well?

So, I get a call from Colin's school yesterday saying I had to come pick him up because he has pink eye! Secretly, I kinda all ready knew. I guess I was just hoping they wouldn't notice! Well..they did. We took him to a urgent care to get the antibiotic drops so he could return to school today. At 12 a.m. last night I woke up because I was hot. The trouble was, it wasn't me, it was Colin. He was on fire. I woke Todd up and asked him to grab the themometer..and low and behold it was 104.2! I tried not to panic, but every muscle in my body wanted to run him to the ER right then. Todd said that he felt a little warm before he went to bed last night and gave him some tylenol. So we sat up until 4:30 in the morning waiting on the temp to break. We gave him alternating doses of tylenol and motrin. I called my Mom and asked her what to do as well..she said a bath. Well, Colin was not very keen on the whole idea. He wanted Mommy to take a bath instead. So we just threw him back in bed and took him temp every 10 min. Finally, it broke, but it is back today. We will be going to the doctor this afternoon. What the heck?

I was almost back to sleep with Morgan decided to join the party. I went in and found her pacifier and gave it back to her..she fell immediately back to sleep.

Kids...gotta love them!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Today my brother-in-law and sister-in-law are visiting from Ohio. We are so excited to have family around. We will of course visit the famous Mall of America and show them the other fine sites that Minnesota has to offer.

Colin and Morgan will be trick or treating tonight with Todd. I will sadly miss this for I am working. This will be both of their first real trick or treating experiences. They both missed last year because they were sick and before that Colin was too little to understand. I hope they have a great time and Todd is going to take pictures for me. It is still hard though. I wish I could be there, but next year I promise I will.

The kids take everything in stride and don't realize how much they are sacrificing for me to be out here going to school. They miss out on a lot of Mommy time and it is tough for me to leave sometimes because they are both crying and begging for me to stay. I have a wonderful babysitter though and Morgan really loves her. It does make it easier being away and knowing that she is taken care of. Now that Colin goes to school, he is busy all day learning new ways to cope with his autism. They are both growing up so fast..too fast.

Anyways, Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you get lots of candy!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Toddler Poem

After a long night of crying and tiredness, I was still laying awake in my bed and this poem came to my head If you have ever been around kids or have kids, you will truly understand! Enjoy!

Daddy and Mommy are home from work and the night is so young
Two screaming children are on the run
One is crying and hitting away
The other is laughing and wanting to play

Mommy looks at Daddy and smiles just then
Daddy looks at Mommy and asks "What time is it again?"
The kids stop screaming and want to eat
Mommy grabs some cereal and they think it is a treat

Macaroni and Cheese is on their plate
Daddy wishes it was a big fat steak
"Time for a bath!" Mommy yells
She fills the tub up and helps it makes them not smell,
Like mac and cheese, dirt and sweat
The kids jump in and Daddy gets all wet!

They dry them off and put their pj's on
The kids start singing their favorite song
They usher them off to bed and they both sit upright
Now turn off the light and say good night

The little girl smiles and falls fast asleep
The little boy just sits and weeps
He doesn't want to go to sleep now
He wants to play
Mommy and Daddy can only pray

As their patience runs thin
The little boy just grins
He is sleeping in the middle of Mommy and Daddy once again

Mommy is so tired and Daddy starts to snore
The little boy tosses and turns and kicks mommy more and more
Mommy rubs his back as he drifts off to never never land
Good night my little man

As Mommy almost finds sleep
The little girl starts to weep
A really long sigh comes from far away
And Daddy goes in to save the day

All is quiet for the moment right now
But Mommy and Daddy are still awake some how!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Really cool store

While reading some more material on Autism, I ran across a link to an autism store. It has everything from stimulating toys to clothing. I was very intrigued by everything in the store, but teared up at some of the shirts. It is a constant battle to control emotions when looking at Colin. One minute he seems completely "normal", and the next minute I wonder if he will be able to take a girl on a date. It is so hard. Early intervention is key and he is really coming along with his therapies. I just hope that he feels like he fits in and not a stranger around other people. He is a great kid! I can't imagine life without him. This past weekend we were in the car and he kept yelling "Mommy! Mommy!" I looked back him and said "What Colin?" "I love you Mommy!" My heart melted.

The link is

All is quiet

I am sitting here browsing my email and fellow blogger sites when I realize how quiet it is. I am usually the one that is praying for patience with my children and begging them from just 5 minutes of peace. I have Colin off to school and Morgan is taking a nap. I still have Sesame Street on the T.V. because I need some noise. Elmo is currently dancing on T.V. and God help me...I know the song and am singing with him! Oh Lord I need a vacation! I think I prefer to live my life in chaos versus the quiet. Though, I wish my chaos didn't involve my children constantly getting sick. That would be a nice change!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Small Miracles

As I have stated before, my son Colin has autisim. With this comes good days and bad days. Today, was a good day! Colin suddenly has been refusing to wear his coat. It came out of no where and it was not a good thing since it is supposed to snow all week. This morning it was 32 degrees outside. There was no way I was letting him out of the house without his jacket! So I did what any good parent would do...I used reverse psychology! Colin was running around the house with only shorts on. I told him to come outside on our balcony with me. We stood out there for approximately 5 seconds before he said "'s cold outside, I need jacket on!" Mission Accomplished! I got him dressed and without any refusal the jacket slipped right on! WHHHHEEEWW!

On a side note, he is now learning what right and left are. He told me to turn left this morning and was super excited when I said "That's right Colin!" He quickly responded.."No, Mommy, that's left!" Smart kid huh?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It is finally happening...

I live in Minnesota. When you think Minnesota, you think what? Flowers? Trees? Lovely huge shopping mall? think SNOW! Yes, my is finally snowing outside. On this lovely day in October, the weather has turned from beautiful fall days, to cold, artic tundra! AHHHHH!!!! It isn't sticking to the ground yet, but it is coming. Soon, I will be amongst thousands of fellow Minnesotians bundled in their parkas, showing off their new boots, and peaking out between layers upon layers of warm clothing. I am scared! Did somebody say Barbados?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Todd, Colin, Morgan, and I went Pumpkin shopping. Colin touched every pumpkin the place had to offer until he found the perfect one. They painted them and had such a great time!

Morgan will be going as Tinkerbell and Colin will be going as a tool man. Fun times!

Voluntary Insomnia

My son, Colin, and I are experiencing the 3rd shift life at the moment. Most parents understand the late night rituals with the newborn. Unfortunatley, Colin is 3 1/2 and really wanted to "lay back down NOW!"

You should probably know why we are up this early/late. Colin is autistic. With autisim about 30% of kids have seizures. That is a pretty significant amount. To rule out any possibility of him having these they of course have to run a test. A sleep deprived seizure test to be precise. This required the poor kid to go to bed at 11 p.m. and get up at 2:30 a.m. His test is scheduled for 7 a.m.

Here are some play by play moments...CAUTION! A very angry 3 1/2 year old ahead!

2:15 a.m. "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" The alarm clock has gone off. Todd reaches over and slaps snooze. I role over and mumble "I can't believe this..."

2:24 a.m. "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Todd slaps the snooze again. I role over on my back and stare at the ceiling. I wonder if Colin will take care of me in my old age?

2:33 a.m. "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" I finally get out of bed. I go out to our living room and proceed to to pick a few things up. I turn on the computer and get up. T.V is on and armed with Bob the Builder DVD. The Fridge is now holding a 8 oz sippy cup of chocolate soy milk. And my worst nightmare is just laying there in bed..lurking...snoring....and drooling. I can't do it. How the heck am I going to keep this kid awake? (on a side caffeine for him either..haha!)

2:37 a.m. "Colin! Colin! COOOOLLLLIIINNNN!" "Mommy, no no no...lay back down!" I pick Colin up and stand him in our kitchen. "Colin, let's go get a pop and take the trash down" "I LAY BACK DOWN NOW MOMMY!" Oh, Lord, what the heck have I gotten myself into?????

2:46 a.m. I have convinced the "grump" to go to Wal-mart.

3:00 a.m. We have entered Wal-mart and all ready the stares have started coming. What parent in there right mind would have there child in Wal-Mart at 3 a.m. Well...I am not in my right mind am I? I haven't slept! DUH!

3:23 a.m. Colin has grabbed a toy from the toy department and we are making our way to the ice cream aisle.

4:00 a.m. We are at the check out. The cashier so boldly and rudely ask me "Why do you have him out this late?" I should have really come up with a great answer, but it didn't come to me. I told the truth and then she decided to fill me in on her 4 kids medical history *NOTE Who cares?

4:15 a.m. Colin is in our living room playing with is new toy, I am eating cookie dough and have decided to start this blog. Todd is snoring in the bedroom. Morgan is sound asleep in her room.

4:41 a.m. I am now being kicked off the computer so my "grump" can play...

4:42 a.m. Morgan is awake.....oh geesh!

4:43 a.m. Can I go to bed yet?

4:44 a.m. I need coffee.....NOW!

4:45 a.m. I give up and play with Colin's new ball launching toy.

5:00 a.m. I finally can watch the news over infomercials. I was seconds away from buying a new set of culinary tools.

5:30 a.m. My friend calls me to let me know she is on the way to go to the hospital with me. I am glad that someone is going to keep us awake!

5:35 a.m. "Wakey, Wakey Todd!" Colin is in the bath and I am in desperate need of a shower.

6:20 a.m. We are on our way to the hospital

7:00 a.m. Colin is fighting with every last bit of energy he can muster against the EEG tech. My friend and I are holding him down with all our might...strong kid!

9:30 a.m. We are almost home and Colin is still awake!!

11:30 a.m. I am on my way to sleep and all and Colin is still awake..Good Luck to my babysitter!

And that my folks is my voluntary insomnia story!